It was a night most Dads with two young, busy children would relish- a night at home to do whatever I wanted without interruption. As circumstances would have it I found myself with a wife who was working the night shift at the hospital and my two children, due to an early morning appointment I had, spending the night with Mimi and Pop.
So with a free night to burn I did what many Dads would do- I sought to relieve some stress! My way of relieving stress comes in the form of getting my hands dirty and tackling projects I have no business tackling. The particular project in my crosshairs this night- repainting the kitchen cabinets. Now even a novice, as I am, knew that this would not be a one night project, but I figured I could make great headway with no kids and the house to myself. And Yes, I did have permission from Rebecca before starting the project- a necessary first step in any project. A painful lesson I have learned the hard way. So I set out to start my project and I must admit it went quite well. I cleaned, caulked, filled in screw holes, sanded, de-glossed and was even able to apply the primer to the bottom cabinets. It was truly a nice nights’ work.
As I started cleaning up the mess I had made I noticed a strange sound- it was the sound of silence. Yes, it was 11:30 PM, and the goal every night in the Cannon household is silence at that time, but this particular night it was deafening. I did not like it! I had been able to work for several hours and not notice the loud scream of silence, but as I prepared to go to sleep myself I was suddenly reminded that no one- not my son, daughter, or wife were there with me. It was in that quiet moment that I was reminded of this verse- Psalm 127-3-5:
"Children are a gift from the Lord: they are a reward from him. Children born to a young man are like sharp arrows in a warrior's hands. How happy is the man whose quiver is full of them! He will not be put to shame when he confronts his accusers at the city gates."
A few minutes later another verse popped into my mind- Proverbs 18:22:
“He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the LORD.”
So often I run through life unaware of the blessing that my wife and children are to me. I appreciate them, but do I truly show them how much I value and love them? The silence of a night alone taught me that I can do a better job. What about you? Do you find yourself taking for granted your family?