- Set limits on gift giving.
Before the stores start their marketing campaign to get you to buy the “must haves” of the season sit down with your spouse and define the limits your family will adhere too. It may be a certain dollar amount that you don’t want to go over, or it may be a certain number of items you feel are appropriate. Whatever the standard is for your family, set limits so that you don’t get caught up in the marketing blitz of the season—both from retail stores and your kids!
- Sponsor a less fortunate family or child.
One great way to remind your children of the true meaning of the season is to sponsor a less fortunate family or child. It is a great idea to adopt a family with a child the same age as your child. Allow your child to pick out the items for the adopted child. This is fun for your child, and teaches them a valuable lesson.
- Read the Christmas Story (Luke 2:1-20)
Don’t let Christmas day pass without reading from Luke 2- the birth of Jesus. Remind your children that it is Jesus’ birth we are celebrating today. This will once again allow them to shift their focus from their toys to Christ.
- Volunteer to serve.
Maybe on Christmas day, or some time around the Christmas season volunteer to serve as a family. This is a great way to model to your children a selfless attitude. One of the most powerful teaching tools available to parents is that of a Godly example. If your child sees you giving up your wants and desires it will be much easier for them to do the same.
- Donate old toys to a local shelter or needy child.
As your child receives a few new gifts during Christmas what a great time to donate a few toys he/she no longer enjoys playing with. Maybe you donate to a shelter or maybe it is just to another family in your church. As your child is old enough, allow him/her to actually hand the toy(s) over to the other child. What a powerful moment in a young child’s life when he selflessly hands over a toy of his to another child who can enjoy it!
- Write Thank you notes to those who gave you gifts.
Grand-Parents, Aunts and Uncles, Cousins and many other family and friends will give your children gifts during this season. One of the greatest rewards for those who give a gift is to receive a genuine, hand-made thank you note from your child. This teaches your child the art of expressing and giving “thanks” and it let’s the gift-giver know of your appreciation.
*** Please Note: Some of the ideas listed are compiled from various sources which I have read over the years. Not all of the ideas are original to Reeves Cannon.