The Church at Sandhurst is hosting a conference on stress September 21-22. It is going to be an excellent conference that will give those in attendance valuable tools and teaching on how to reduce stress in key areas of their life. The conference will cover six topics. The topics include: dealing with financial stress; fostering spiritual growth in the midst of life's stresses; stress and communication in marriage; handling life crisis such as death divorce and terminal illness; parenting in the midst of stress; and how to reduce stress through wise career choices and development. For the next several weeks Denny Bates (Discipleship Pastor, Church at Sandhurst) and myself will be writing on the great myths concerning Christians and Stress. In this blog I am going to include the most recent myth. I hope that you learn from it and it peaks your interest so that will you sign up for this great conference. You can find out more about the conference by clicking
“The Great Myths Concerning Christians And Stress”
Myth # 3: Having my child in constant extracurricular activity is good for my child and for our family.
Fact: Your children do not need more soccer practice or dance recitals. They need more time with you- their parent. Contrary to popular opinion, it is not more activity that keeps your child from pursuing the things of the world. Rather, research tells us, it is intentional, purposeful parent involvement which has the greatest impact on children becoming devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Which approach are you taking?
v The Power of a Parent
As you spend time with your child you will have the opportunity to teach them everlasting truth. Proverbs 6:20-23
v Parent with Purpose
Timothy was taught the Scriptures from infancy. Later in life he was able to draw upon the things he learned in childhood to get him through life’s difficulties. What will your child draw upon when life happens? 2 Timothy 3:14-15 & Proverbs 22:6
v Leave a Legacy
The greatest benefit to parenting is the opportunity to shape the next generation. Are you running your child from activity to activity stressing everyone out in the process or are you instilling a legacy that will last long after you have left? Psalm 78:1-7
Myth-Buster #3: The antidote for the stress that comes from having your child in too many extracurricular activities is to slow down and ask yourself how you can parent with purpose. Knowing the goals you have as a parent, and parenting accordingly, will reduce stress and glorify God.