Thursday, July 12, 2007

Reducing Stress in Your Life

Myth #4: If I am asked to do something I must consent even if it results in unbearable stress for me and my family.

Fact: Learning to say “NO” may be one of the godliest things you ever do! Many people find it difficult to say “NO”. However, saying “NO”, while it often feels wrong and ungodly, may be the godliest answer you can ever give. The goal is to identify the most productive things you can do with your time and only commit to those things. In doing so, you need to take into account your various responsibilities of home and work and understand your priorities in order of importance.

v Jesus- Our Example

If there was ever someone who could handle always doing and never stopping it was Jesus. Yet he modeled for us the importance of saying “NO” to good things so that he could concentrate on the most important. Matthew 14:22-23

v Ministry is done from an overflow of the heart

When you constantly say yes to everyone you leave yourself little energy, patience and time to attend to the most important. Learning to say “NO” and taking time for yourself and your relationship with the Lord will enable you to prioritize your time and energy for the most important activities and it will allow you to have the needed energy- spiritual, physical and mental to make a difference in those activities. Luke 6:45

Myth-Buster #4: The antidote for the stress that comes from not being able to say no is to create boundaries that force you to analyze each task you take on. One way to do this is by running each idea by your kids and spouse. Allowing them to have veto power over your schedule is a great check and balance for you.

Want to learn more about how to cope with the stress in your life? Make your plans now to join others in the 2007 Stressed For Success Conference at Sandhurst on September 21 & 22. Refer to our website at for additional information and future updates.