One of the best ideas I have ever heard came a few years ago via a radio program I was listening too. The speaker was discussing leaving a Godly legacy for your children and he mentioned that each new years day he sits down to write a hand written letter to each of his children. I thought this was a novel idea and so I began doing the same every January 1. It has been a few years now since I have started and each year I have compiled letters to my son and wife. They are personal letters recalling the events of the past year, truths I want to impart to my son, and special memories I want remembered. each letter is unique and personal. The letters are kept in a safe deposit box and they will be opened after I die. It is one way that I can leave a legacy to my children and wife, let them know how much I love them and give them an opportunity to recall life events we shared together- things my son will not even recall at his young age. This year I have the privilege of writing an additional letter- to my daughter.
This has proven to be a special time for me each new years day and it is something I highly recommend for each father or mother out there. Take some time and write a hand-written note to your children and wife- it is not too late to start. It will be a rich experience and one additional way you can pass on a Godly legacy.