I posted yesterday about the delicate balance a young couple must have between the time they spend with their parents and siblings and the time they spend establishing new family traditions. During the Christmas season these issues only increase and therefore they need to be considered. Another interesting dynamic that needs to be considered is the Mother-in-law / Daughter-in-law relationship. The Focus on the Family broadcast has devoted the last two days of their daily broadcast to this subject. The guest for these two shows is Annie Chapman (singer and songwriter). She has recently written a book titled: The Mother-in-Law Dance: Can Two Women Love the Same Man and Still Get Along? I have listened to the broadcasts the past two days and I recommend you click on the link if you believe this subject may be of benefit to you.
When you click on the Link you will need to find the appropriate broadcast. The dates for the broadcast are November 27, 2006 and November 28, 2006. The title of the broadcasts are: The Delicate Mother-in-Law Relationship, 1. and The Delicate Mother-in-Law Relationship, 2.