Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Teaching Sex to your Pre-Teen and Young Adolescent

Once again I want to highlight a Focus on the Family broadcast. They are broadcasting a two-part series on Sexual Purity. The title of the broadcast is "Teaching Girls the Truth About Modesty and Purity". If you are a parent I highly encourage you to listen to this two part series. It will provide you with a picture of the world your child is living in today. It will also give you ideas on how to approach your child about the subject of sexual purity. While the subject is focused more towards Females, I encourage you, regardless of the gender of your child, to check out this program.
Sadly, the facts, as mentioned in the FOF program report that at least 50% of children ages 11-18 are engaging in Oral Sex (US NEWS and World Report- 2004). This is a real problem today...even in Florence, SC!!!!!
As a youth Pastor (four years ago) I recall asking two 8th grade students how many kids in their Florence, SC school were sexually active. They looked at me for a moment and then stated they knew of 5-6 8th graders who were sexually active. I then asked a second question. "Does that include those who are having oral sex?" Without hesitation, they laughed, looked at me and said, "I didn't know you meant oral sex also. There's a lot more doing that!" The reality is Oral Sex is a rampant problem in the youth culture today, especially among Christian students. As is mentioned on the FOF broadcast, Oral Sex has been dubbed in many communities as "Christian Sex".
To check out the broadcast please click here. The Broadcast dates are Monday December 18th and Tuesday December 19th. The title of the Broadcast is "Teaching Girls the Truth About Modesty and Purity".
You may also want to check out the book Teaching True Love to a Sex at 13 Generation. It is written by Eric and Leslie Ludy.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


For many the Christmas season is filled with a renewed time of fellowship with family and friends. It is a time where relationships are strengthened and joy and hope fill the air. Many look upon the Christmas season with anticipation and jubilant excitement!

However, there are also many who struggle through this time of year. It may be the difficulty of having lost a loved one. Not knowing how to cope, or even if you will be able to cope is a reality for those grieving the death of a loved one. For some, Christmas is a reminder of a painful past. Maybe you suffered through an abusive childhood and while other families are reuniting to celebrate the season you are dealing with the painful emotions that accompany family gatherings. For children and adolescents whose parents are divorced or separated Christmas often turns from excitement (past years) to a cold reality that mom and dad are no longer together, and life (including Christmas) will never be the same. The excitement and happiness of the season is stolen and replaced with sadness, anger and bitterness.

While difficult circumstances are commonplace in a fallen world and they often overtake the best of people it is important to remind ourselves-especially those who find this season a struggle- of the HOPE that is in Christ Jesus. One of my favorite Scripture verses is 2 Corinthians 9:8. It states, “And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” What a life changing verse this can be!! This verse teaches us that God’s grace is sufficient for every need. Whether it is a Christmas without a loved one, a difficult family situation or some other seemingly hopeless situation it is important to remember that God’s grace is sufficient.

If you find yourself struggling through this season, I encourage you to contemplate 2 Corinthians 9:8. While I do not know the circumstances which you find yourself in this season I do know that we serve a God who is able to make all grace abound to you at all times. As you walk through this Christmas season and into 2007 I encourage you to trust in the God who promises to give you the strength for every circumstance.

As I close let me leave you with Romans 15:13. May this verse be a reality for you during the Christmas season and throughout 2007.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Monday, December 11, 2006


The Christmas season often poses a difficult challenge for the family that is interested in raising children of gratitude and selflessness. It is clear that we are living in the midst of a “ME FIRST” generation and teaching our children the beauty of giving and selflessness can be a difficult one, especially during the Christmas season. Everywhere you turn you are told that it is all about you! Retail stores everywhere are reminding us of the latest gadgets which we must have. The question for those who are interested in combating this attitude is this: “How do we find balance in the midst of the “I’ve got to have it generation?” While it is a difficult challenge, here are six ideas that should help.

  1. Set limits on gift giving.

Before the stores start their marketing campaign to get you to buy the “must haves” of the season sit down with your spouse and define the limits your family will adhere too. It may be a certain dollar amount that you don’t want to go over, or it may be a certain number of items you feel are appropriate. Whatever the standard is for your family, set limits so that you don’t get caught up in the marketing blitz of the season—both from retail stores and your kids!

  1. Sponsor a less fortunate family or child.

One great way to remind your children of the true meaning of the season is to sponsor a less fortunate family or child. It is a great idea to adopt a family with a child the same age as your child. Allow your child to pick out the items for the adopted child. This is fun for your child, and teaches them a valuable lesson.

  1. Read the Christmas Story (Luke 2:1-20)

Don’t let Christmas day pass without reading from Luke 2- the birth of Jesus. Remind your children that it is Jesus’ birth we are celebrating today. This will once again allow them to shift their focus from their toys to Christ.

  1. Volunteer to serve.

Maybe on Christmas day, or some time around the Christmas season volunteer to serve as a family. This is a great way to model to your children a selfless attitude. One of the most powerful teaching tools available to parents is that of a Godly example. If your child sees you giving up your wants and desires it will be much easier for them to do the same.

  1. Donate old toys to a local shelter or needy child.

As your child receives a few new gifts during Christmas what a great time to donate a few toys he/she no longer enjoys playing with. Maybe you donate to a shelter or maybe it is just to another family in your church. As your child is old enough, allow him/her to actually hand the toy(s) over to the other child. What a powerful moment in a young child’s life when he selflessly hands over a toy of his to another child who can enjoy it!

  1. Write Thank you notes to those who gave you gifts.

Grand-Parents, Aunts and Uncles, Cousins and many other family and friends will give your children gifts during this season. One of the greatest rewards for those who give a gift is to receive a genuine, hand-made thank you note from your child. This teaches your child the art of expressing and giving “thanks” and it let’s the gift-giver know of your appreciation.

*** Please Note: Some of the ideas listed are compiled from various sources which I have read over the years. Not all of the ideas are original to Reeves Cannon.

Monday, December 04, 2006


One of my favorite people is Dave Ramsey! Dave is an award winning radio host and author. He writes on the subject of money management. I am naturally a guy who loves to balance his checkbook- I know -WEIRD- blame it on my dad, but Dave is a guy who knows and understands money management. He makes it FUN! Focus on the Family is highlighting a two part series they did with Dave. I encourage you to check out these two broadcasts and to also check out his daily radio show. To my knowledge, Florence does not have a station that carries his show, but you can listen to it free on his website at
You can check out the Focus on the Family radio brodcasts by clicking here.


"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:”
- Philippians 2:3-5

It is in this verse we find one of the most difficult commands in all of Scripture -- a call to selflessness. Paul does not mince his words when he writes, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, how we are to live and act. We are to think of others needs and desires before we think of our own. Ouch, I guess it's not all about me!
Perhaps there is no place more difficult to daily flesh out this command than in a marriage relationship. Sure, the first year or two most couples can give themselves a passing score in the area of selflessness, but eventually there comes a time when every couple stops operating in fantasy land and begins living in reality. It is at this time that husbands and wives find themselves with a choice…. Self or Spouse?
How the couple answers this question determines the quality of their relationship. The pull is towards self, after all we are human; but joy and victory wait for those who choose selflessness out of pure motives. Unfortunately, for the couple who constantly chooses self over spouse disaster awaits. For a time, the couple may survive by reminiscing about the fantasy years, but eventually the fantasy years fade into memory and the selfish decisions/thoughts rise and remain uppermost in the mind. When this occurs, resentment, anger, jealousy, pride and more selfishness enters the relationship.
Unless the couple gets help to redirect their marriage, one of two things will happen. One, the couple will continue to live a selfish life growing further and further apart until they reach the point where they are simply two people living as roommates. At this time, the marriage has become nothing but an empty shell. It is being held together to “save face,” for convenience or for the children, but certainly not because of love and contentment. Who would want this? The second outcome or option is not any better. For the couples who can’t make it as roommates, divorce is often the result! Either one or both partners say, “That’s it! I have had enough, I’m OUT!” I believe it is safe to say that none of us married with the intention to end up with these two bleak choices awaiting us.
Whether you find yourself many miles down the road of selfish decisions or you feel that selfishness only creeps into your marriage ever so often, it is important to consider the following practical advice to help prevent a selfish attitude from invading your marriage.

1. How do I make selfless decisions when I feel unloved?
To be honest, this is difficult. I wish I could give you an easy formula which would challenge your spouse towards the same selfless attitude you know you need towards him/her. Unfortunately, there is no such formula. In fact, the closest thing to a formula is your holding firmly to a godly commitment to unselfishness despite your spouse’s continued selfish actions. Be careful, however, if your motive does not spring forth from a love for God and a desire to honor Him your selfless efforts will not produce lasting fruit.
Consider Philippians 2:5. God has not called us to a standard He Himself does not keep. He calls us to the same standard as our Lord. “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.” This is one of the attributes of Jesus I find so appealing, He does not expect us to live above the standard which He Himself lived. Read Philippians 2:5-11. If anyone had the RIGHT to live selfishly, it was Christ, yet despite His right He chose selflessness. We must as well! When it is difficult to choose selflessness, reflect on Christ’s selflessness towards you (Matthew 26:36-45).

2. Why should I put my spouse’s interests above my own?
It would be nice if God called us to a life of ease and comfort, but He did not! He called us to live a life of holiness (1 Thessalonians 4:7). We read in Ephesians 5:22-33 how Husbands and Wives are to act towards each other. Chiefly, the wife is to submit to her husband -- (i.e. to support). The husband is commanded to love as Christ loved (i.e. too seek the highest good for the spouse). In both of these commands there is clearly room for selflessness. Neither command is predicated upon the other spouse fulfilling their end. Therefore, we must live a selfless life because we are commanded to do so. Secondly, did Christ not love us despite our hatred (sin) towards Him? What better way to model a Christ-like attitude than to live like Christ! Lastly, remind yourself that your reward is in Heaven (Matthew 6:19-24). Why become stubborn and selfish when there is no fruit born out of that attitude? Abundant blessings wait for those who serve and love Him! Remember, as you show small, generous acts of love and selflessness in your marriage, as Christ does for us, your marriage will improve!

3. Make your marriage a Priority.
You may be saying, “Reeves, both of us want this selfless attitude, but we are just too worn out to give to each other.” This might be the most common situation facing couples in the United States today. After all, no one gets married and intentionally makes choices to ruin their marriage. However, if you find yourself in this situation you must act quickly and decisively! Your marriage is hanging in the balance. This is a dangerous road, and it leads to the two disastrous choices I mentioned above. Yes, times are hectic! Kids these days seem to have more activities, appointments and games in a day than Ronald Reagan faced during a normal day in office. I understand and sympathize with the plight you are in, but for the sake of your marriage you must prioritize in a way so that you have the energy to serve your spouse.

As I close, let me leave you with a challenge. Maybe you find yourself aware of the issue, but lost as to where to start. Let me challenge you with this. Start small. You are not going to “right the ship” overnight. You must daily, with small intentional choices choose to serve your spouse, and in turn Honor Christ. I challenge you to sit down with him or her tonight and discuss one or two ways each of you can put Philippians 2:3-5 into practice. Maybe you can help bathe the kids, or do the dishes. Maybe you need to have the house picked up when your husband walks in the door. Maybe cooking a dinner once in a while would be of service to your spouse. The issues are different for each couple, yet the challenge is the same. Communicate so that you know what to do and then love God and your spouse enough to follow through. Intentionally make “we” decisions instead of “me” decisions.